Monday, May 16, 2011

Port-Au-Prince to Jacmel and everything in least 36 hours worth.

The last few days have been interesting to say the least. After we picked Stacie up from the airport on Sunday we headed back to the PAP house and decided to go on a few more tours. We took her to the lookout we went to on Saturday. After we enjoyed the beauty of Port Au Prince once again, Michelle wanted to show us the Hotel Karibe, a Hotel where all of the "bourgeois" (rich) stay. As we are heading to the hotel we notice an excess amount of UN officers and Haitian police, at that moment she realized that the Presidents were most likely having their inaugural reception at the Karibe....she was right. We arrived at the hotel and everything was 'closed' and we were not going to be allowed in. However, just like in America "its not what you know, its who you know" Michelle had an 'appointment' there, called the person whom she had the 'appointment' with and gave the phone to one of the guards, next thing you knew four Americans in shorts, tanks and flip flops were among over 75 foreign dignitaries and music artist in their suits and ties....can you say out of place? We walked around a bit and were making a list of whom we thought would be there...Clinton, Aristide (former dictator of Haiti), Bush Sr., on. At that moment I thought I saw Wyclef so Michelle asked a security guard if that was Wyclef, and He responded 'No, he is over there, do you want to meet him?" Next thing you knew we were chatting with Wyclef and he asked if we were Christian missionaries, we responded yes, he explained how his dad is a minister. Michelle then asked him if he had heard of Audio Adrenaline, since they founded Hands and Feet, he said he had heard of them but he was more into Petra, and began singing to us! It was quite an interesting moment, one I will never forget for sure. Not that he was Wyclef, living in Nashville you get used to seeing music artist all over, but the fact that we were in Haiti at the inauguration ball, and that he sang Petra lol. After leaving the Karibe, because we did not want to overstay our welcome we headed to the Pizza Garden to get dinner, again another place that made me feel like I was not in Haiti by any means, one of the most gorgeous restaurants I had ever been to, including within the states. While sitting there I was overwhelmed once again with the contrast of Haiti, literally down the road are people begging for food and digging through trash on the side of the streets, and orphans searching for a place to call home, while the 'rich' of Haiti dine out in nicer restaurants than we have, and swim in pools and hang out at resorts that I could probably never afford. Why the dichotomy? Even though I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and wouldn't have changed it for the world, it reminded me why I am here...for those down the street, "to feed them when the are hungry, give them something to drink when thirsty, and clothe the naked."

After our eventful evening we headed back to the PAP house where we saw fireworks from the presidential celebration, I hope and pray this is a good change for Haiti.

We woke up Sunday morning and met Franz who took us on our three hour drive over the mountain. I was wide awake the whole time. You would think I would be used to that drive and the scenery it offers by now, since I have taken the mountain trip over 10 times. But, I don't think I could ever get enough of that drive.

We pulled up our driveway right as the kids were getting home from church and I was greeted by Richneider and his ginormous smile, saying Bekah Bekah! Ahhh I am right where I am supposed to be! We unpacked and began to get settled. Stacie and I are sharing a room with the girls that are 8 and older. After unpacking we took the kids to the beach where we played volleyball with some of the street kids and swam in the spa temperature water...It was perfect.

I cant imagine being anywhere else at this point in my life. I am already being stretched in new ways and need to constantly be reminded that I am here following the example of Christ. Sometimes I dont feel like I am 'serving' because I enjoy it so much. I know I have only been here a few days, but it feels like home. I do have some prayer requests.... Pray that I will remain focused on why I am here, that I am serving our God who created me and each of these children, created these children to be loved well and felt like they were loved. Pray I will have the strength to get through each task every day, no matter how tired I am. Pray for my ears, I ended up with an ear infection right before leaving and got antibiotics, however, I still cant hear well and it is quite frustrating. I head to Grand Goave tomorrow to meet some more amazing kids, pray for safe travels and a safe time there.Pray that I make time for quite time. To be honest, my quite time is lacking, I need to be in the word, especially in this place. Pray that I will put on the armor of God and listen when He speaks, and I will do what He has called me to do, without any false motives. I want to serve the best I know how. I want to love well. I want to walk humbly with my God....

Micah 6:8 "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Much Love,

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